Does Your Company Need a Business Lawyer In Italy?

Get help from our premier Italian law firm right now.


Business Lawyers in Italy

Our firm provides legal assistance to US citizens and companies that want to purchase hotels or residential properties in Italy. Whether your company needs assistance with debt recovery, contracts, civil law litigation, or an intellectual property matter in Italy, we are here to help! Our English-speaking business lawyers in Italy can assist your company right away with a free initial consultation.

Our Italian business and commercial attorneys are highly specialized in:

• Debt recovery from Italian companies and individuals

• International business law, trade agreements, and patent registrations

• Drafting international contracts and joint ventures with Italian companies

• Litigation in all phases of civil, commercial, business and banking law in Italy

• Providing legal assistance to US citizens and companies that want to purchase companies in Italy

  • Worldwide Assistance
  • Free Initial Consultation

"Very courteous and professional"

Frank C, Los Angeles

You were very courteous and professional at every turn, following up and responding to my email. Your being in Italy is advantageous and it's nice to know that there is such a person to help Italian-Americans resolve their issues. I now have established a friendship for any future help that I will need.

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